A set of User Experience Framework (UEF) Snippets for Visual Studio Code. UEF is the official web application design system of the Social Security Administration.
Create a new HTML document and type uef
to see all available snippets.
Note: For these snippets to accurately render page content you need to have the appropriate UEF libraries loaded in HEAD. See the !!uef3
or !!uef21
snippets to see how this is done–or just start with a blank HTML page and use one of those snippets.
Trigger | Description |
!!uef3 | Start a new UEF 3 page from a blank document |
!!uef21 | Start a new UEF 2.1 Public or Pro page from a blank document |
uef21-add-uef3-theme | Adds the UEF 3 Theme for Legacy UEF |
uef21-page-add-tab | Add a navigation tab to the page |
uef21-page-add-tab-dropdown | Add a Pro dropdown navigation tab to the page |
uef21-page-footer | Add an optional page footer |
UEF 3 Page Templates
Use these (or roll your own) after setting up the basic UEF 3 page with !!uef3
Trigger | Description |
uef-page-business-1 | Business Page Template #1 |
uef-page-business-2 | Business Page Template #2 |
uef-page-public-1 | Public Page Template #1 |
uef-page-public-2 | Public Page Template #2 (for more than 3-5 menu items) |
Trigger | Description |
uef3-accordion | Accordion |
uef3-accordion-item | Add an accordion item |
uef3-address | Address (US) |
uef3-address-intl | Address (International) |
uef3-alert | Alert (Info, Warning, Danger, Success) |
uef3-bank-info | Bank Information |
uef3-banner | Federal government website banner |
uef3-button | Insert a Button |
uef3-button-group | Button Group |
uef3-card | Basic Card |
uef3-card-with-title | Card with more options |
uef3-checkbox | Checkbox |
uef3-checklist | Checklist |
uef3-checklist-other | Checklist with ‘Other’ option |
uef3-compound | Compound |
uef3-confirmation-number | Confirmation Number |
uef3-container | Generic Container |
uef3-country | Country (Current) |
uef3-country-historical | Country (Historical) – useful for place of birth |
uef3-currency | Currency ($,£,€) |
uef3-date-md | Date (Month & Day dropdowns) |
uef3-date-mdy | Date (Month, Day, Year – month dropdown, day textbox, year dropdown) |
uef3-date-mdy-dropdowns | Date (Month, Day, Year – all dropdowns) |
uef3-date-my | Date (Month, Year – month dropdown, year textbox) |
uef3-date-picker | Date Picker |
uef3-dialog | Dialog |
uef3-drawer | Drawer |
uef3-droplist | Drop List |
uef3-droplist-item | Add a Drop List item |
uef3-ein | Employee Information Number (EIN) |
uef3-email | Email Address |
uef3-email-confirmation | Email Address with Confirmation |
uef3-error-summary | Error Summary |
uef3-figure | Figure |
uef3-file-input | File Input (upload a file) |
uef3-flex | FlexBox layout |
uef3-flex-item | Add FlexBox item |
uef3-footer-identifier | Federal Footer Identifier |
uef3-footer-slim | Slim version of Federal Footer |
uef3-footer-medium | Medium version of Federal Footer |
uef3-footer-big | Big version of Federal Footer |
uef3-form | Form wrapper |
uef3-gender | Gender (Male, Female, Non-Binary) |
uef3-grid | CSS Grid layout |
uef3-grid-3col | 3-column layout grid |
uef3-grid-3col-template | 3-column layout grid using a template |
uef3-grid-fluid | Fluid layout grid |
uef3-grid-item | Grid layout item |
uef3-help | Help dialog |
uef3-hero | Hero (call to arms) |
uef3-icon | Icon |
uef3-indicator | Indicator |
uef3-link | Insert hyperlink |
uef3-link-download | Download link |
uef3-link-email | Email link |
uef3-link-excel | Excel link |
uef3-link-external | External site link |
uef3-link-print | Print page link |
uef3-link-pdf | PDF link |
uef3-link-powerpoint | PowerPoint link |
uef3-link-video | Video link |
uef3-link-word | Link to Microsoft Word file |
uef3-link-zip | Link to compressed Zip file |
uef3-media | Media element (image) |
uef3-mega-menu | Mega Menu |
uef3-menu | Menu |
uef3-name-default | Name (Title dropdown, First/Middle/Last text boxes, Suffix dropdown) |
uef3-name-f-l | Name (First/Last text boxes) |
uef3-name-f-m-l-s | Name (First/Middle/Last/Suffix text boxes) |
uef3-name-f-m-l-s-dropdown | Name (First/Middle/Last text boxes, Suffix dropdown) |
uef3-name-f-mi-l-s | Name (First/Middle Initial/Last/Suffix text boxes) |
uef3-name-f-mi-l-s-text | Name (First/Middle Initial/Last/Suffix text boxes) |
uef3-name-t-f-m-l-s | Name (Title dropdown, First/Middle/Last/Suffix text boxes) |
uef3-name-t-f-mi-l-s | Name (Title dropdown, First/Middle Initial/Last text boxes, Suffix dropdown) |
uef3-name-t-f-mi-l-s-textbox | Name (Title dropdown, First/Middle Initial/Last/Suffix text boxes) |
uef3-nav-menu | Navigation menu |
uef3-optional-info | Optional Info |
uef3-pagination | Pagination control |
uef3-password | Password |
uef3-percent | Percent textbox |
uef3-phone | U.S. Phone Number (10-digit number, extension, type dropdown) |
uef3-phone-intl | International Phone Number (country code and number, extension, type dropdown) |
uef3-phone-simple | Simple U.S. Phone Number (Area Code + Number) |
uef3-place | Place of an event |
uef3-popover | Popover |
uef3-progress | Progress |
uef3-radiolist | Radio List |
uef3-radiolist-other | Radio List with ‘Other’ option |
uef3-radiolist-series | Radio List Series (compact) |
uef3-reentry-number | Reentry Number |
uef3-required-info | Required Info |
uef3-section | Section |
uef3-show-hide | Show/Hide |
uef3-skipnav | Skip Navigation control |
uef3-ssn | Social Security Number (SSN) |
uef3-state | State |
uef3-subnav | Sub-Navigation |
uef3-subnav-groups | Sub-Navigation with Groups |
uef3-subnav-groups-nested | Sub-Navigation with Nested Groups |
uef3-subnav-icons | Sub-Navigation with icons |
uef3-subnav-item | Add a Sub-Navigation item |
uef3-summary-accordion | Summary (Accordion) |
uef3-summary-receipt | Summary (Receipt) |
uef3-summary-review | Summary (Review) |
uef3-table | Table |
uef3-table-1col | 1-Column Table |
uef3-table-2col | 2-Column Table |
uef3-table-3col | 3-Column Table |
uef3-table-4col | 4-Column Table |
uef3-table-5col | 5-Column Table |
uef3-table-6col | 6-Column Table |
uef3-table-7col | 7-Column Table |
uef3-table-8col | 8-Column Table |
uef3-tabs | Tabs |
uef3-tag | Tag |
uef3-textarea | Textarea |
uef3-textbox | Textbox |
uef3-textbox-icon | Textbox with embedded icon |
uef3-time | Time selection with dropdowns |
uef3-timezone | Time Zone |
uef3-toggle-group | Toggle Group |
uef3-tooltip | Tooltip |
uef3-typography | Typography |
uef3-video | Media element (video) |
uef-visually-hidden | Visually hidden text |
uef3-yesno | Yes/No |
uef3-zipcode | Zip Code |
uef3-zipcode-plus-4 | Zip Code plus 4-digit extension |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-grid | Start a new UEF layout grid |
uef21-grid-unit | Insert a grid unit of 1-5 columns |
uef21-grid-2-column-25%-75% | 2 Column Grid (¼, ¾) |
uef21-grid-2-column-75%-25% | 2 Column Grid (¾, ¼) |
uef21-grid-2-column-50%-50% | 2 Column Grid (½, ½) |
uef21-grid-2-column-66%-33% | 2 Column Grid (⅔, ⅓) |
uef21-grid-3-column-33%-33%-33% | 3 Column Grid (⅓, ⅓, ⅓) |
uef21-grid-3-column-50%-25%-25% | 3 Column Grid (½, ¼, ¼) |
uef21-grid-3-column-60%-20%-20% | 3 Column Grid (⅗, ⅕, ⅕) |
uef21-grid-4-column-25%-25%-25%-25% | 4 Column Grid (¼, ¼, ¼, ¼) |
uef21-grid-4-column-40%-20%-20%-20% | 4 Column Grid (⅖, ⅕, ⅕, ⅕) |
uef21-grid-5-column-20%-20%-20%-20%-20% | 5 Column Grid (⅕, ⅕, ⅕, ⅕, ⅕) |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-container-basic | Basic Container |
uef21-container-summary | Summary/Receipt Container |
uef21-container-tabs | Container with Tabs |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-input-address-us | Address (US) |
uef21-input-address-intl | Address (International) |
uef21-input-amount | Amount |
uef21-input-bank | Bank Information |
uef21-input-checkbox | Check Box |
uef21-input-checkbox-critical | Critical Check Box |
uef21-input-checklist | Check List |
uef21-input-checklist-add-item | Add Item to Check List |
uef21-input-compound | Compound Pattern |
uef21-input-country | Country |
uef21-input-credit-card | Credit Card |
uef21-input-date | Date |
uef21-input-date-calendar | Date (Calendar) |
uef21-input-droplist | Drop List |
uef21-input-ein | Employee Information Number (EIN) |
uef21-input-email | Email Address |
uef21-input-file-upload | File Upload |
uef21-input-gender | Gender |
uef21-input-password | Password |
uef21-input-phone | US and International Phone |
uef21-input-place | Place (of Event) |
uef21-input-radio-list | Radio List |
uef21-input-radio-list-item | Add a Radio List item |
uef21-input-ssn | SSN |
uef21-input-state | State |
uef21-input-state-abbr | State (with abbreviations) |
uef21-input-textarea | Text Area |
uef21-input-textbox | Text Box |
uef21-input-time | Time |
uef21-input-timezone | Time Zone |
uef21-input-yesno | Yes/No |
uef21-input-zipcode | Zip Code |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-form-controls | Form Controls |
uef21-subnav | Sub-Navigation (no groups) |
uef21-subnav-groups | Sub-Navigation with Groups |
uef21-subnav-groups-status | Sub-Navigation with Groups and Status |
uef21-subnav-link | Add a Sub-Navigation link |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-badge | Badges |
uef21-error-summary | Error Summary |
uef21-error-summary-item | Adds an Error Summary link item |
uef21-notice | Info, Warning, Danger, Success Notices |
uef21-notice-compact | Compact version of Notices |
uef21-optional-info | Optional Info Statement |
uef21-reentry | Re-entry Number Notice |
uef21-required-info | Required Info Statement |
uef21-waiting-indicator | Waiting Indicator |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-docviewer | Creates a Document Viewer (use a Link or Button to display it) |
uef-21-lightbox | Creates a Lightbox (use a Link or Button to display it) |
uef21-popover | Creates a Popover (use a Link or Button to display it) |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-link | Add Another, Email, Excel, External, PDF, PowerPoint, Print Page, Word, and Zip links |
uef21-help-link | Help |
uef21-show-hide | Show/Hide |
uef21-tooltip | Tooltip |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-button | Button (Primary or Secondary) |
uef21-button-dropdown | Drop Down Button |
uef21-button-with-icon | Button with Icon |
Trigger | Description |
uef21-table | Basic & Single-Row Action Tables |
Use the following quick table snippets to automatically insert tables of a predefined number of columns.
Trigger | Description |
uef21-table-2col | Table with 2 columns |
uef21-table-3col | Table with 3 columns |
uef21-table-4col | Table with 4 columns |
uef21-table-5col | Table with 5 columns |
uef21-table-6col | Table with 6 columns |
uef21-table-7col | Table with 7 columns |
uef21-table-8col | Table with 8 columns |
Trigger | Description |
uef-page-public | Public Page Template |
uef-page-pro | Pro Page Template |
uef-page-pro-side-container | Pro Page Template Side Container |
uef-page-pro-add-tab | Add Pro Template Tab |
uef-template-more-info | More Info Page Template |
uef-template-progress | Progress template |
Trigger | Description |
uef-grid-1-column-100% | Full Width Grid |
uef-grid-2-column-25%-75% | 2 Column Grid (¼, ¾) |
uef-grid-2-column-75%-25% | 2 Column Grid (¾, ¼) |
uef-grid-2-column-50%-50% | 2 Column Grid (½, ½) |
uef-grid-2-column-66%-33% | 2 Column Grid (⅔, ⅓) |
uef-grid-3-column-33%-33%-33% | 3 Column Grid (⅓, ⅓, ⅓) |
uef-grid-3-column-50%-25%-25% | 3 Column Grid (½, ¼, ¼) |
uef-grid-3-column-60%-20%-20% | 3 Column Grid (⅗, ⅕, ⅕) |
uef-grid-4-column-25%-25%-25%-25% | 4 Column Grid (¼, ¼, ¼, ¼) |
uef-grid-4-column-40%-20%-20%-20% | 4 Column Grid (⅖, ⅕, ⅕, ⅕) |
uef-grid-5-column-20%-20%-20%-20%-20% | 5 Column Grid (⅕, ⅕, ⅕, ⅕, ⅕) |
You also have access to UEF’s built-in alignment classes:
CSS Class | Description |
uef-text-center | Centers text in a paragraph |
uef-float-left | Aligns an object (e.g. link, button, image) to the left |
uef-float-right | Aligns an object (e.g. link, button, image) to the right |
Trigger | Description |
uef-container-basic | Basic Container |
uef-container-basic-with-rows | Basic Container with Rows |
uef-container-basic-with-subtitles | Basic Container with Subtitles |
uef-container-basic-with-hidden-content | Basic Container with Hidden Content |
uef-container-basic-white-or-gray | Basic Container (White or Gray) |
uef-container-add-row | Add New Container Row |
uef-container-summary | Summary/Receipt Container |
uef-container-summary-add-section | Add Summary Container Section |
uef-container-tabs | Tabs |
uef-container-add-tab | Add tab |
Trigger | Description |
uef-back-to-top | Back To Top |
uef-form-controls | Form Controls |
uef-subnav | Sub-Navigation |
uef-subnav-add-group | Add Sub-Navigation Group (Expanded) |
uef-subnav-add-group-collapsed | Add Sub-Navigation Group (Collapsed) |
uef-subnav-add-link | Add Sub-Navigation Link |
Trigger | Description |
uef-button | Button (Primary or Secondary) |
Trigger | Description |
uef-input-address-intl | Address (International) |
uef-input-address-us | Address (US) |
uef-input-amount | Amount/Currency |
uef-input-bankinfo-us | Bank Information (US) |
uef-input-checkbox | Check Box |
uef-input-checkbox-critical | Critical Check Box |
uef-input-checklist | Check List |
uef-input-compound | Compound Pattern |
uef-input-country | Country |
uef-input-credit-card | Credit Card |
uef-input-date | Date |
uef-input-date-calendar | Date (Calendar) |
uef-input-date-range | Date (Calendar) Range |
uef-input-date-time | Date & Time |
uef-input-droplist | Drop List |
uef-input-droplist-add-item | Add Drop List Item |
uef-input-ein | Employee Information Number (EIN) |
uef-input-email | Email Address |
uef-input-email-confirm | Email Address with Confirmation |
uef-input-file-upload | File Upload |
uef-input-gender | Gender |
uef-input-name | Name |
uef-input-password-create | Password (Create) |
uef-input-password-enter | Password (Enter) |
uef-input-phone-us | Phone (US) |
uef-input-phone-only-us | Phone (US) Phone-Only Field |
uef-input-phone-intl | Phone (International) |
uef-input-place | Place (of Event) |
uef-input-radio | Radio List |
uef-input-radio-add-item | Add item to Radio List |
uef-input-ssn | SSN |
uef-input-state | State |
uef-input-textarea | Text Area |
uef-input-textbox | Text Box |
uef-input-time | Time |
uef-input-timezone | Time Zone |
uef-input-username | Username (Create) |
uef-input-yesno | Yes/No |
uef-input-yesno-notyet | Yes/No/Not Yet Answered |
uef-input-zipcode | Zip Code |
Use the following triggers to construct any type of Read-Only or Summary display for any of the UEF Input patterns.
Trigger | Description |
uef-readonly-label | Read-Only Pattern/Field label |
uef-readonly-label-bold | Bolded Read-Only Pattern/Field label |
uef-readonly-label-bold-gray | Bold+Gray version of Read-Only Pattern/Field Label |
uef-readonly-answer | Read-Only Answer |
uef-readonly-answer-bold | Bolded Read-Only Answer |
uef-readonly-not-answered | Not Answered |
uef-readonly-not-answered-bold | Bolded Not Answered |
Trigger | Description |
uef-link-definition | Definition |
uef-link-email | |
uef-link-excel | Excel |
uef-link-external | External |
uef-link-help | Help |
uef-link-pdf | |
uef-link-powerpoint | PowerPoint |
uef-link-print-page | Print Page |
uef-link-print-region | Print Region |
uef-link-showhide | Show/Hide |
uef-link-tooltip | Tooltip |
uef-link-word | Word |
uef-link-video-teaser | Video Teaser |
uef-link-zip | Zip file |
Trigger | Description |
uef-docviewer | Document Viewer |
uef-docviewer-link | Document Viewer Link |
uef-modal | Lightbox Modal |
uef-modal-link | Link triggers Modal |
uef-modal-button | Button triggers Modal |
uef-popover | Popover |
Trigger | Description |
uef-notice-agreement | Agreement |
uef-notice-agreement-container | Agreement Container |
uef-notice-agreement-ssa | Agreement with SSA Text |
uef-badge | Badges |
uef-notice-danger | Danger |
uef-notice-danger-compact | Compact Danger |
uef-error-summary | Error Summary |
uef-notice-info | Information |
uef-notice-info-compact | Compact Information |
uef-optional-info | Optional Info Statement |
uef-progress | Progress |
uef-notice-reentry | Re-Entry Number |
uef-required-info | Required Info Statement |
uef-notice-success | Success |
uef-notice-success-compact | Compact Success |
uef-notice-warning | Warning |
uef-notice-warning-compact | Compact Warning |
uef-notice-compact-dismissible | Compact Dismissible Notice |
Trigger | Description |
uef-table | Basic and Single-Row Action |
uef-table-multi-row | Multi-Row Action Table |
uef-table-paginated | Paginated Table |
uef-table-add-col-header | Add another column header to the table |
uef-table-add-col-data | Add another column of data (content) to the table |
Use the following quick table snippets to automatically insert tables of a predefined number of columns.
Trigger | Description |
uef-table-2col | Table with 2 columns |
uef-table-3col | Table with 3 columns |
uef-table-4col | Table with 4 columns |
uef-table-5col | Table with 5 columns |
uef-table-6col | Table with 6 columns |
uef-table-7col | Table with 7 columns |
uef-table-8col | Table with 8 columns |
Use the following quick table snippets to automatically insert Paginated Tables of a predefined number of columns.
Trigger | Description |
uef-table-paginated-2col | Paginated Table with 2 columns |
uef-table-paginated-3col | Paginated Table with 3 columns |
uef-table-paginated-4col | Paginated Table with 4 columns |
uef-table-paginated-5col | Paginated Table with 5 columns |
uef-table-paginated-6col | Paginated Table with 6 columns |
uef-table-paginated-7col | Paginated Table with 7 columns |
uef-table-paginated-8col | Paginated Table with 8 columns |
Trigger | Description |
uef-instruction-text | Instruction Text |
uef-support-text | Support Text |
Type any of the following Triggers, then the TAB key, followed by an asterisk and the number of times you want the item to repeat. Then press TAB again to build it.
For example, if you want to add six Container Rows, then type uef-cr
, press TAB to expand the snippet, then type *6
and TAB to build it.
Trigger | Description |
uef-cr | UEF Container Rows |